Booking Policy
Check in time
After 2pm. Guests must present a photo ID and cash deposit or credit card upon check in
Check out time
Before 12.oo pm
Age Limit
Must be at least 21 year old to check in
Pets are not allowed
Cancellation Policy/Refund Policy
Please note that failure to cancel your reservation prior to the due date noted on your confirmation may result in a penalty charge being imposed by the hotel. If a penalty charge is incurred, this will be deducted from the amount refunded.
Your confirmation email will specify the exact cancellation due date which is the deadline you must cancel by in order to avoid any cancellation fee. Generally, the cancellation due date is 14 days prior to arrival at the hotel. The penalty charge is usually one-night stay, unless specified on the confirmation email.
Unless specifically mentioned otherwise in the cancellation policy, cancellation requests submitted via any of the means above, prior to the due date noted on your confirmation, will normally be refunded 100% of the cost of their stay within 7 days of receiving the request. Any cancellation request submitted after the due date noted on your confirmation will be processed within 30 days, and any applicable penalty charge will be deducted from the amount refunded.
However, you notify us after checking out, some shortened stay refunds may take longer due to slow documents submission. If your refund is likely to take longer than 30 days to process, we will notify you via email upon receipt of your request.